Jessica Barraclough

Actor - Singer - Dancer

Originally from Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, Jessica is a Helen Hayes Award Nominee who is currently based in New York City. She feels incredibly lucky to have made the move to New York since completing her BFA in Musical Theatre at George Mason University. With an affinity for all creative outlets, she is always looking for a chance to collaborate. This is an inevitable result of growing up with two dedicated musicians as parents. Performing has been in her blood as long as she can remember. Jessica aspires to continue sharing the joy of musical theatre with as many audiences and artists as possible.

Upcoming and Recent Performances


    The Addams Family at Toby’s Dinner Theatre in Columbia, Maryland. Running from September 6th - November 10th.


    American Psycho at Monumental Theatre Company. Jessica portrayed Sabrina (Evelyn u/s) and served as Dance Captain.


    They’re Playing Our Song at the Riverside Center. As a Voice of Sonia, Jessica had a blast performing this adorable Neil Simon comedy.